Posts Tagged ‘ dragonage ’

Dragon Age 2: Legacy DLC

Dragon Age II: Legacy Trailer (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Mac)

Downloadable content for Dragon Age isn’t exactly good. Dragon Age: Origins DLC’s were nothing more than keeping the fan base happy with buggy content that have no effect whatsoever with the game with the exception of “Golems of Armagarrak” and “Witch Hunt”. Compared with Mass Effect’s DLC, Dragon Age is a bit of a disappointment. But not for Legacy.

The main game is obviously rushed. The ten years that Hawke spends in Kirkwall can be finished in less than 40 hours including side quests. Though the graphics and the gameplay has improved as well as the streamlined inventory system, the locations and dungeons are endlessly recycled which makes for a pretty monotonous backdrop for a very personal story.

Bioware has listened to it’s fans and have given us Legacy.

The DLC can be finished in three hours and is accessible even after you’ve finished the main game. I’ve finished the DLC on the PS3 and it is stable. Apart from the warrior female Hawke animation gets a bit jittery, there was no such problem with the mage Hawke.

The entire environment is built from the ground up. No recycled dungeons here. New party dialogue has been voiced for the DLC. Try changing party members through multiple playthroughs to get all their reactions.

The game itself deals with Hawke’s father Malcom and the Grey Warden’s prison. Unlike other DLC’s that seem to just enter the dungeon and kill everything, this one actually fills in some details between the Hawke family. Let’s just say it’s best that your sibling better survive Act I of the main game and tag them along for this one.

The last boss was a bit challenging at first but once you get the strategy down, it’s pretty simple. Just keep running.

I’m pleased that this DLC turned out the way that it did. Much like how pleased I was with the “Lair of the Shadow Broker” in Mass Effect. If you’re a fan of Dragon Age and you’re still looking for more things to do, then get this DLC. You won’t be disappointed.

Dragon Age 2: Legacy is now available for the PC, Mac, Xbox360 and PS3.

Dragon Age 2: Legacy

This is the first DLC for Dragon Age 2 and it has been said to “fix” complaints by players about the game. Namely the recycled environments.

I do wonder in what part will they insert this? I’ve already finished the game three times and there are some parts chapters that I’m not too keen on playing again. I hope it’ll be like Mass Effect 2 where the DLC adjusts whether or not you have completed the suicide mission or not.

The DLC will be available for the PC, Xbox360 and PS3 on July 26, 2011 for $9.99.

Help Dragon Age II get to 1 Million

Dragon Age


Help the Dragon Age II Demo reach 1 Million downloads to unlock 2 in game items.

Lothering’s Lament – Gives XP boost when read.

The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall – Gives Money when read.

Hayder's RazorThat’s not all, completing the demo will also unlock an additional in-game item (Hayder’s Razor) once you load the full version of Dragon Age II.

The great thing about the demo that it’s available for all platforms, PC, PS3 and Xbox. 

Download the demo on February 22 at 12NN. Full game goes on sale March 8, 2011.


Have you pre-ordered yet?

YouTube – Dragon Age II Rise To Power .mov.

The follow up to one of the best RPGs of 2009 is drawing near. This latest video from Bioware gives us a glimpse of the gameplay and the characters that our “Hawke” will be going through.

It is known that the game will NOT follow the character you made in Dragon Age: Origins or in Awakenings. But instead put you in the shoes of a new character named Hawke (which could be male or female). Think of it as Commander Shepard of Mass Effect placed into the world of Thedas.

I’ll actually miss being called “Warden” by everyone in the game. Now they’ll just refer to me as Hawke or “The Champion”. That’s just weird for me at the moment. But look on the bright side, I’ll probably live longer than any Grey Warden and there will be more adventures with thus character than the Grey Wardens.

But I do wish Bioware fixes the bugs with the DLCs and expansions for Origins. Especially if they plan on using the choices you made in that game carry over to make the world that Hawke has to fight his way through.

Dragon Age II hits shelves on the busy day of March 3, 2011.

Beware of the Witch

BioWare | Dragon Age: Origins | Witch Hunt

UPDATE: It is the last DLC for Dragon Age: Origins. You will not get to bring along the rest of your party aside from the Dog. Yes!! I get to bring my Dog at last! Not to mention a new mage.

In what hints to be the last DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, it will attempt to tie up one loose end. Morrigan.

Yes the witch that may have broken your heart and just left without a trace will return. One year after your victory against the darkspawn word reaches you that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden. Or has she?

This has to be the DLC that everyone has been waiting for. This is making me chant “please don’t suck, please don’t suck”. Mainly because this DLC ties directly into Dragon Age and not just a chapter in Dragon Age. It ranks up there with the upcoming DLC for Mass Effect 2 “In the Lair of the Shadow Broker” which ties directly into the storyline of Mass Effect 2 which chronicles on how Cerberus was able to get Shepard’s body.

This is very different. This may even actually tie in events that will happen in Dragon 2! Could it happen? Of course it could!! This is a videogame!

Claudia Black (Farscape) reprises her role as Morrigan. Though it’s not clear of any of your original party will return. One new character will be a Dalish elf named Ariane.

The sad part about this particular DLC that it could be the last until Dragon Age 2 comes out in March. That’s a long time to wait for a game especially when they have been releasing DLCs quite frequent of late. But then it gives us more to look forward to.

“Witch Hunt” will cost $6.99 on PSN, 560 MS Points or 560 Bioware points and will be available on September 7.

Witch Hunt Trailer

Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt Debut Trailer

The final loose end in the Dragon Age: Origins storyline. Find out the fate of Morrigan next week. I may have to play this twice to see what changes if I agree to Morrigan’s offer or not. I just hope it doesn’t suck.

Beware of the Witch

BioWare | Dragon Age: Origins | Witch Hunt

In what hints to be the last DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, it will attempt to tie up one loose end. Morrigan.

Yes the witch that may have broken your heart and just left without a trace will return. One year after your victory against the darkspawn word reaches you that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden. Or has she?

This has to be the DLC that everyone has been waiting for. This is making me chant “please don’t suck, please don’t suck”. Mainly because this DLC ties directly into Dragon Age and not just a chapter in Dragon Age. It ranks up there with the upcoming DLC for Mass Effect 2 “In the Lair of the Shadow Broker” which ties directly into the storyline of Mass Effect 2 which chronicles on how Cerberus was able to get Shepard’s body.

This is very different. This may even actually tie in events that will happen in Dragon 2! Could it happen? Of course it could!! This is a videogame!

Claudia Black (Farscape) reprises her role as Morrigan. Though it’s not clear of any of your original party will return. One new character will be a Dalish elf named Ariane.

The sad part about this particular DLC that it could be the last until Dragon Age 2 comes out in March. That’s a long time to wait for a game especially when they have been releasing DLCs quite frequent of late. But then it gives us more to look forward to.

“Witch Hunt” will cost $6.99 on PSN, 560 MS Points or 560 Bioware points and will be available on September 7.

Dragon Age 2 trailer is out!

Dragon Age 2 Destiny Trailer

EA/ Bioware has released the trailer for their next game, Dragon Age 2 and more details here. Based on the details they have released, it will seem like that we will be playing Mass Effect 2 with swords and magic.

The story is set in Free Marches which lies just north of Ferelden. You will play the character Hawke, you will determine if Hawke will be male or female. You can import your previous save from Dragon Age: Origins which will carry over the decisions you made. It will also determine which characters from your first game you’ll meet. Like in the previous game, You’ll get to romance people on your way to becoming a legend in Kirkwall and will choose missions and quests as you move along.

Though it is not necessary to play the first game (much like Mass Effect 2) but I personally like a resemblance of continuity with my character from Dragon Age: Origins since I did customize her as such. Not being able to play it with her is just sad. Maybe they’ll pull an Atlus Persona 3 PSP that will allow you to play it as a different character.

But you will get a fully voiced character which is great! No more unusual silences when it’s your turn to respond. You’ll actually get to hear what Hawke actually feels. Much like Commander Shepard.

I’m sure this game will be quite an experience but I do fear that Bioware may be getting into a weird situation of fame. Final Fantasy was great and all and we ate it up. We bought their games all up to 14th incarnation of the game. But then sometime around the 10th it seemed to wane on us. How long before the same thing happens to Bioware games? Sure the graphics will improve with every generation but it seems like since they’ve stumbled on a formula that works, they seem to be bent on using it for the next couple of games.

Dear Bioware, I do hope this does not happen. I would like you to continue to innovate and bring great RPGs to our gaming systems for years to come.

Dragon Age 2 will be released in North America for the Xbox, PS3 and PC on March 8, 2011 and Europe on March 11.

Golems of Amgarrak: A Dragon Age DLC

BioWare | Dragon Age: Origins | Game Addons

Dragon Age : Origins – Golems of Amgarrak DLC Trailer

So far we’ve returned to Ostagar, listened to Leliana’s Song, became the darkspawn and now we’ll return to the Deep Roads in search of Golems. Unlike the the last 2 DLC, you once again get to use your character as you search for the secrets of the Golems.

I can’t get into more details without spoiling it for those who haven’t completed the original game but it’s quite refreshing that we shall once again get to play our characters either after Awakenings or Origins. If not, you can always create a new character but where’s the fun in that?

DLC to be released for the PC, Xbox360, and PS3 on August 10.

More details about Dragon Age 2

Five Facts About Hawke In Dragon Age II – News –

As stated in my previous post, Dragon Age 2 is coming! Details are sketchy but details coming from’s exclusive access to Bioware is on the link above.

Backstory of the main character, you are named HAWKE. Yes that is your name. I assume this is designated to make the voice dialogue the same throughout the game. Hawke is a survivor of the blight, more importantly Lothering. Yes I did write Lothering. Lothering is the town where you meet Leliana and eventually gets decimated by the darkspawn. Hawke flees Ferelden and heads to the Free Marshes where be becomes the the Champion of Kirkwall. How you do that is up to you.

Now on to the dark side of the new game:

You will play an entirely new character in Dragon Age 2 unless this changes in the next few months. But the character that you can create is limited to the human race. Yes, no elves, no dwarves. Only human. Not being able to import your character is already sad, but this is even sadder for those who went through the first game with the other races.

On to the good side:

The main character is voiced. No more blank stares to your party members or to any other denizen on Thedas. No more empty remarks. Think Mass Effect conversations.

You can’t change the race but you can change the gender. Yes! Much like Commander Shepard you can either be female or male Hawke.

The game supposedly runs for 10 in-game years. Instead of the story revolving around a global incident like the Blight, the story is purely character driven. I’m expecting this to become like Mass Effect 2 but much much longer.

So will this be better than the first, it’s very hard to say. But if Mass Effect 2 was any sign, this should be a great game.