Posts Tagged ‘ Square-Enix ’

Dissidia Final Fantasy 2

YouTube – DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY JF2011 Trailer.

The PSP fighting game which brought together the main heroes of every Final Fantasy game ever made (and I do mean every game every made, what ever were they thinking when they brought in Shantoto for FFXI is beyond me, she was more like an anti-hero to me) against their corresponding nemesis has a sequel. Yes, Dissidia Final Fantasy is coming back with the addition of Lightning from FF13.

But judging from the trailer. There’s a whole lot of new characters as well. Vaan fron FF12, Yuna from FF10, Laguna fron FF8, Cain fron FF4?, and Tifa from FF7.

I was already impressed by the first game, this should be nothing less. But I wish Square-Enix would bring to the PS3. It would be a refreshing change from all the Street Fighters and Tekkens and all the other brawlers out there.

Dissidia Final Fantasy 2 comes out in Japan and the US on March 2011.

Should I get a PC?

It’s been bugging me for quite some time. As an avid gamer, I find it difficult to say that I do not have  gaming PC. I have long sworn away from PCs and dedicated almost my entire time and income to console games which are much easier to maintain than PCs. That said, I want to get one.

There’s the benefits of work of course but then there’s this.

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy 11 Online since it came out on the PS2 in 2004. I have not been drawn into World of Warcraft or even Everquest. Square-Enix has managed to create a platform where PC gamers are able to interact in the same world as console gamers on both the PS2 and Xbox360.

The most recent release, Final Fantasy XIV is currently available on the PC with the PS3 release initially scheduled for March of 2011 has now been delayed. Though the date hasn’t been changed on the website, IGN reports sometime in 2011. That said, the main reason has to be the space limitation on the PS3. Unlike the PC version, the entire game can be delivered in it’s full high resolution glory with all the graphic drivers and assets installed in the hard drive. On consoles, there is the sticky issue of the SKUs of the PS3. Remember when there were 20, 40, 60, 80, 160, 320 GB PS3. Yes, that’s what’s causing this. Sure you can replace your own hard drive on the PS3, but how many people know or even want to do that. Thus, the game has to fit the current generation of PS3s.

That said. I could wait a little longer while I upgrade my hard drive.

Those who purchased the North American version of Final Fantasy 13 should have a coupon inside for FFXIV for an in-game item.

Choices choices choices.

Parasite Eve : The 3rd Birthday

The 3rd Birthday SQUARE ENIX

For a lot of people, Aya Brea is a stranger. But those who remember the “other” survival horror game on the PS1, Parasite Eve was something different. The storyline is very much similar to Capcom’s Resident Evil which involves zombies, mutated monsters and a mystery. If Resident Evil has Jill Valentine, Parasite Eve has Aya Brea.

One of the lesser known Square-Enix franchise, the last game was on the PS1 in 2001 and one developed solely for the Japanese market on their mobile phones. The game was completely ignored for the PS2 until now. The game was announced in 2008 at the DK∑3713 event in Japan.

Thank you Square-Enix for bringing the game back. I hope this may lead to a much bigger game on the PS3.

The 3rd Birthday comes out in Japan on December 22, North America and other regions on March 2011 for the PSP

Parasite Eve Trailer

This caught me by surprise

While I was looking for new books to put on my Kindle, I came across this. Square-Enix hasn’t exactly been exact with their release dates. We just usually just wait and wait and wait and wait until it actually comes out.

But not today! A firm release date of September 29, 2010 has been announced as the release date for the PC version of Final Fantasy XIV, the next MMORPG from Square-Enix.

Sadly for PS3 fans,

Next year!?!?! That’s not a release date, it’s a prison sentence!?! Wait! Wrong analogy. That prison sentence statement should actually be attached to Gran Turismo but that’s for another post. But 6 months after the release date? That’s a long time. I may be forced to buy a PC before that happens. And even sadder for those are used to playing Final Fantasy XI on their Xbox360 for the past four years since there is no mention of the game to appear on the console (yet) but that wait could be even longer.

If only Square-Enix could release their other games sooner but thank you for this pleasant surprise.

Final Fantasy XIV @ E3

Final Fantasy XIV, The E3 Trailer

It’s been six years since I started playing Final Fantasy XI when it was released for the PS2 and I haven’t looked back. I was a mac user and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to jump on to the MMO bandwagon by getting a PC so I was very excited when Square-Enix announced that they would be releasing their MMO on consoles as well. I find this MMO unique since players from different countries play on the same server but play on different consoles (PS3, PS2, Xbox360, PC). No other game other than WOW (World of Warcraft) does this (PC and Mac compatible).

It was difficult as first as the game was designed largely for people to team up in order to advance to the next level. I inched my way through the game and now it’s time to release another version of the game.

This week at E3 in Los Angeles, Square-Enix has released new videos of the game and a possible release date of Q4 2010 for the PC and PS3.

Final Fantasy 14 – Official E3 Trailer [HD]

Final Fantasy XIII Video Game, International Trailer HD

Final Fantasy XIII Video Game, International Trailer HD | Game Trailers & Videos |

The international trailer is out and it’s making me want to play the game now. It’s scheduled to be released on both the Xbox and PS3 on March 9. I still think that game is already complete and we’re all just waiting for the Xbox version to come out. At the least we’re no longer waiting more than 6 months for the English version to be released.

So it’s not a perfect game

After almost a lifetime of waiting (five years in gaming is practically a console cycle) Final Fantasy 13 will finally be released in Japan TODAY. The famed Famitsu gaming magazine has given the game an imperfect score of 39/40.

The only Final Fantasy game to receive the honor is FF12. Fan favorite Final Fantasy 7 earned 38, while the PS2 FF 10 earned a similar 39/40.

Only four games have been awarded this year the coveted “perfect score”. Those include Bayonetta, Super Mario Brothers, Dragon Quest 9 and Monster Rancher 3.

Many gamers are fickle folk who will read heavily into reviews before making a purchase, while others will buy the game regardless if it was good or not based on reviews just as long as it had the franchise name on it (Final Fantasy, Guitar Hero and so on…). So does one point matter?

I think the game will still be hit. Despite many advances in RPGs by Bioware with Mass Effect and Dragon Age as well as Fallout and Oblivion with Bethesda, there are still a lot gamers who still like the linear gameplay and beautiful cutscenes. I for one will still buy the game. Square-Enix has shipped 2 million copies of the game for the launch.

So the game did not get the perfect score from Famitsu. It will still sell millions, just one point shy of the perfect score merely tells gamers that, it’s good ,but not perfect for us, but still good.

But for gamers such as myself, April is still too far away for me. I’ll try not care until then. But here’s a thought, was the international release date pushed to spring just so they can release the Xbox version at the same time? I hope not. Because if they did, I would rather be playing it anyway on the PS3 than to wait for the Xbox version to catch up.

Final Fantasy XIV Fall Update


Square-Enix has updated the FF XIV page with new information on the mobs of the world of Eorzea. If the screenshots they are providing are in-game then this would be really nice to play.


Morbol in action. This looks like the biggest version or the Marlboro yet.


A crafting in Eorzea is known as a Disciple of the Hand as part of a Lifestyle.

Traveling by ship at night when it is raining is never safe.

Sights of Eorzea

Eorzea looks more beautiful than Vana’diel. The way the world has been designed looks as if it has been lifted from the real world. Let’s see what this world looks like when it comes out in 2010.

One game, two versions, same price

Final Fantasy: Echoes of Time Gets A Release Date: News from

The latest money maker for Square-Enix, Final Fantasy: Echoes of Time has now been given a US release date of March 24 for the Wii and DS. Both will retail for $39.99. My next question is, “why?!?!”

I know “Final Fantasy” is a premium title. That’s one of the reasons why they’re charging so much but for two different platforms? It’s not as if one is coming out on the Wii and then on the PS3. It’s coming out on a home console and a handheld. Handheld!

This is such a pain. I guess we know now where SE is getting the money to pay off for Lara Croft.

Gamasutra – Square Enix Makes $117 Million Bid For Eidos

Final Fantasy XIII official trailer


This is really late but you view the trailer from the official website or download it directly to your PS3 or Xbox360. Yes, I did say Xbox 360. It really is coming to the gaijin console. I’ll be posting a review of the Japanese demo once I get my hands on it.